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Monitor Nationwide Conditions of Supply-Demand and Network System Operation

Monitor electricity supply-demand conditions as well as network conditions of power systems 24 hours a day, 365 days a year to grasp the whole centrally on a nationwide scale. When supply-demand conditions become unstable, OCCTO gives instructions to electricity companies to interchange power or increase power generation and secure a stable power supply.


Monitor nationwide conditions of supply-demand and network system operation 24 hours a day, 365 days a year

OCCTO monitors and grasps, on a real-time basis, information such as supply-demand conditions monitored at the central load dispatching centers in each supply area by introducing the Cross-regional Operation System.

Furthermore, OCCTO manages the plans and actual performance of system users’ supply-demand with monitoring supply-demand balance in each supply area provides immediate and precise judgments and instructions such as how much electricity supply, from/to electricity companies, etc.

Main content to be monitored

  • Supply-demand conditions in each supply area and the main generator output condition

  • Cross-regional network conditions including the usage status of interconnection lines between supply areas


Grasp situation of nationwide supply-demand balance by plan management through the Cross-regional Operation System

All system users have to submit annual, monthly, weekly and day-ahead plans for generation and supply-demand via the Cross-regional Operation System to OCCTO. OCCTO accepts these plans, confirms the integrity of them, and grasps the supply-demand balance condition on the basis of nationwide, supply area, and Electricity Company.

Image of Instructions In Case of Power Instability

* Generation Companies and companies equipped with power generation facilities not corresponding to Generation Companies are included.

Supply-demand balance

A large amount of electricity cannot be stored; thus, supply and demand need to be equalized constantly for stable supply. In the worst case, frequency fluctuation due to imbalance of supply and demand may cause a large-scale blackout.

Planned balancing rule

Rule for Retail Companies and Generation Contractors to make their plans and actual demands/generation balance for the 30-min unit.

Instructions for improvement of supply instability situation to electricity companies

Instructions by OCCTO

  • OCCTO has strong authority under the Electricity Business Act to demonstrate effective control ability.
  • All electricity companies are subject to instructions.
  • OCCTO’s instructions are applied not only in supplyshortages, but a l so in insufficient suppression of output capacity due to excess supply.

Training for supply shortage

Training has been provided regularly in cooperation with members for supply shortages or power generation problems at the Cross-regional Operation Center. Training with specific conditions strengthens the response capability to secure a stable electricity supply.

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