Setting Up an Investigation Committee and the Nomination of Members to Review the Major Blackout by the 2018 Hokkaido Eastern Iburi Earthquake
Our thought are with everyone who has been suffered from the disaster.
Minister Seko,Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry requested Hokkaido Electric Power Co., Inc. and Organization for Cross -regional Coordination of Transmission Operators, JAPAN (hereafter OCCTO) to investigate the cause of the major blackout, triggered by Hokkaido Eastern Iburi Earthquake on 11th September 2018.
It is important for us to keep neutral and uncommitted standpoint with objective data in investigating the subject with experts.
OCCTO announces to set up the committee and to nominate the members of the committee, which is based on the Article 41-1 defined in the Articles of Organization to implement the following investigations.
The first meeting will be held on 21st September. Furthermore, OCCTO will make full efforts to the investigation by forming special team as office of the Committee.
1. The name of the committee
The Investigation Committee on the Major Blackout by the 2018 Hokkaido Eastern Iburi Earthquake
2. Issues to be covered
(1) Sequence of Events and the Analysis of the Causes
(2) Technical Review of Restoration Process
(3) Lessons Learned and Recommendations